My Work Experience
Founder: Agency Partner Consulting
March 2018 - ongoing
By working together, we provide all the tools, guidance, and support our clients need in order to be more sustainable and succeed in the competitive marketplace
Project Manager
December 2017 - ongoing
Assisting the University of Montenegro, Institute for Marine Biology, in setting up Marine Biodiversity Conservation Center “Boka Aquarium” (MonteAqua);
Managing multidisciplinary team which is enhancing Montenegrin EU integration process in the area of nature protection relevant to water ecosystems and sustainable management of protected water ecosystems with focus on the Adriatic Sea
Independent Senior Environmental Consultant
May 2017 - December 2017
Services in leading environmental non-profits, programme and project management and environmental research: nature resource management, biodiversity, water management, environmental security, local environmental action planning, stakeholder’s analysis and participation.
Associate Professor at Faculty for Applied Ecology, Belgrade, Serbia
October 2006 - April 2017
Main duties: Lecturing subjects: “Water pollution and protection”, “Eco-hydrology”, “Sustainable development and environment”; Main achievements: Contributed to curriculum development, Developed e-learning programme
Independent assessor, Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia
November 2016 - February 2017
Main duties: Assessment of project proposals under 1st Call for Proposals of Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2014-2020 for Priority axis 2: Environment, biodiversity, risk prevention, sustainable energy and energy efficiency; Main achievements: Assessed 37 project proposals
Deputy Executive Director for Environmental Policy, Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC)
October 2008 - September 2016
Main duties: Providing strategic vision and planning; Resource mobilization (portfolio of 12 M EUR annually); Staff coaching and leadership. Main achievements: Secured sustainability of operations; Coordinated topic areas; Edited Local Water Security Action Planning Manual which is step-by-step guide to local water security action planning; Developed methodology for local biodiversity action planning, which became unique tool for biodiversity protection and evaluation of ecosystem services; Launched Water Security initiative as a framework for creation of a knowledge-based platform, a dynamic network of water experts, and an e-learning tool for capacity building and the dissemination of lessons learned.
Regional Director for South East Europe, Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC)
July 2004 - October 2008
Main duties: Providing strategic vision and programme planning, Supervision and coaching of REC Country and Field Office Directors in SEE, Ensuring the overall financial sustainability of the REC Country and Field Offices in the assigned Region. Main achievements: Improved management and strengthen country office network of the REC; Introduced indicator based performance appraisal system for country offices; Coordinated local environmental action plans in 50+ local communities in South East Europe, which contributed to sustainable development on local level; Leaded support to environmental civil society organizations, which strengthened capacities of environmental civil sector in South East Europe
Director, Country Office Serbia and Montenegro, Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC)
January 2001 - November 2005
Main duties: Representing the REC in Serbia and Montenegro; managing the REC Country Office SCG; Project and grant management; Maintaining relations with donors, governments, local authorities, business and NGOs; Supervision the CO staff; Fund raising at national and international level. Main achievements: Managed CO operations in sustainable way and increased CO project portfolio 10 times; Increased CO project staff from 4 to 18 members and strengthened internal managerial and expert capacities; Managed establishment of two programme offices, which improved local presence and increased flexibility in operations; Managed projects with focus on local governance, which proved mission driven role of the REC at local level; Developed methodology for local environmental action planning, which represented innovative tool for local sustainable management (2003-2005).
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
April 1996 - June 2006
Main duties: Teaching in: 1) General Hydrobiology; 2) Hydroecology and protection of Inland Waters; 3) Botany I and Mycology; 4) Systematic of Algae, Fungy and Lichenes; (since December 2005 only 1 and 2); Research activities in hydrobiology, ecology and taxonomy; Assisting in management of scientific and educational department (Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden “Jevremovac”). Main achievements: Contributed to curriculum development; Developed research team for water monitoring which implemented several scientific projects; Managed Botanical garden which became unique educational, scientific and public center.
Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
August 1989 - April 1996
Main duties: Work with students which attend courses at the Chair of Algology, Mycology and Lichenology; Research activities in algal ecology and taxonomy. Main achievements: Gained PhD in biology; Awarded with UNESCO grant for hydrobiological study of Vlasina reservoir (Serbia) which resulted in scientific contribution to the reservoir management; Managed 5th Congress of Ecologists (500+ participants) as largest professional event in the Western Balkans; Acknowledged by students for lecturing skills.
On the Path to Success
My Professional Network
While working in progressively senior levels of responsibility at universities and international environmental organizations I had unique opportunity to serve various clients, ranging from governmental institutions, academia, non-governmental organizations and business. I am proud on advantageous professional network. Check out some of the incredible clients I’ve worked with below.

While working in the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe I had unique opportunity to cooperate with Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) on various programmes: supporting environmental civil society organizations, equipping local communities with powerful tools and skills for environmental action planning, water management and local water security action planning, etc.

With European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC) I’ve worked on development methodology for local biodiversity action planning. Communities that used methodology become champions of change for sustainability in beneficiary countries and the region, providing an opportunity for other communities to replicate their work and ecosystem services experience, including combating effects of climate change.

For several years I’ve worked with Emisoft on establishing of Environmental Management Centres (EMC) in Balkan countries. In Serbia, our work resulted in setting up an efficient emission monitoring and reporting platform within Serbian Agency for Environmental Protection (SEPA).
Do you need guidance from a professional? Contact me today and join my list of happy clients.