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Project Impact Planning

By Radoje Laušević

Training workshop for Sava River Basin Network stakeholders

Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Today, the Partner Consulting delivered the training workshop for the Interreg Danube project "Preserving Sava River Basin Habitats through Transnational Management of Invasive Alien Species - Sava TIES” in Hotel Park. More than 30 representatives of project partners were trained in techniques how to measure and increase impacts of the project.

Workshop participants

Of the workshop purpose, Dr Mirjana Bartula, Sava TIES project manager, said: “This training will show us how to come up with a strategic plan that can save our time and ensure we can reach and prove the impacts we are seeking within Sava TIES project”. The training was delivered in three modules: on the project impact planning, on how to do stakeholder analysis, and on how to design an end-of-project stakeholder meeting to both generate and evaluate impact. The training is part of the SavaParks Network capacity building programme.

Sava TIES project is implemented in all four countries of the Sava River basin: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. The main project goals are to: find an effective solution for permanent eradication of invasive alien species, reduce habitat fragmentation, and improve the connectivity of the transnational ecological corridor. The project is implemented by consortium led by EuroNatur Foundation (Germany).

Sava TIES World Cafe

The Agency Partner Consulting is assisting the Nature Conservation Movement of Sremska Mitrovica, the Sava TIES project partner, in stakeholder engagement within Sava TIES project. This consultancy comprises:

  • Drafting Stakeholder engagement plan aimed at improving cross-sectoral cooperation in invasive alien species management in the Sava River Basin,

  • Drafting SavaParks Network after-project Roadmap aimed at ensuring future cooperation for harmonised management of the protected areas in the Sava River basin and to implement the Strategic framework for invasive alien species management,

  • Drafting SavaParks Network capacity building programme aimed at providing SavaParks Network with capacities and skills to develop a Strategic Framework for Transnational invasive alien species management in the Sava River Basin, implement different measures and approaches for management, control and eradication of invasive alien plant species in protected areas, reach policy and decision makers from all relevant sectors to ensure that the results and recommendations are taken up by the policies


About Partner Consulting: Since its establishment in 2018, the Agency Partner Consulting is offering services in project management and environmental research. The founder, Dr Radoje Laušević is utilizing his 30 years of work experience in environmental research, lecturing, and project management for providing various tools, guidance, and support to the clients, enabling them to be more sustainable and succeed in the competitive marketplace.

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